December 2015

13th – 14th see the maximum of the Geminid shower but it lasts several days either side of this.

As the Moon wanes to New Moon (on the 11th) you may see its crescent near Jupiter, then Mars and then Venus from 4th to 8th December in the predawn sky.

You might just spot Mercury low in the evening sky on 29th.

A few things for December

For Christmas this year I would like a copy of Philip’s “Stargazing 2015”. This annual book is very handy for those of us who mostly do naked-eye astronomy (with the occasional look through binoculars or with digital camera). Each month includes a starmap for late evening, where to find the moon and the planets, special events to look out for, plus some “deep sky” features.

This month’s highlights include the Geminid meteor shower on the night of the 13th.

From around the middle of the month Venus reappears as an evening star – joined by Mercury at the very end of the month.

The Winter Solstice falls on 21st December at 11.03 pm. The nights cease getting longer and the we have the shortest day. From now on, the daylight hours start to increase and the sun rises higher in the sky.

If you happen to go to Midnight Mass, take a look at the sky as you return home. On a clear night, without too much light pollution, I think the night sky is one of the most beautiful sights you can see. Orion, Gemini, the Pleiades all shine brightly. They give an extra sparkle o the prayer that speaks of “heaven touching earth”.

Merry Christmas!